Anesthetizing Locations - Procedure for Recording Relative Humidity in that area

Procedure for Recording Relative Humidity in Anesthetizing Locations:
Relative humidity of not less than 50 percent,  at a temperature range of 70° ± 5° shall be maintained in anesthetizing locations, both flammable and nonflammable, and shall be recorded every day anesthetizing agents are used.  The temperature which is maintained in operating rooms is chosen on the basis of the well being of the patient and the operating team.  A relative humidity or not less than 50 percent at the temperature range is maintained wile this relative humidity range is not sufficiently reliable for complete dissipation of electrostatic charges, it does reduce the hazard of electrostatic spark discharges.
In order to meet these requirements, the Energy Management shall routinely measure the relative humidity in the operating rooms on Monday through Friday for each week, as well as upon request on weekends.  The relative humidity shall be recorded on a chart posted on the bulletin board in the hallway of the operating room area, and when completed shall be filed in the E.M. Shop in the Hospital.

Sikander Khan in his office

Sikander Khan in his office